Arguments from NavHost
Besides things that the previous screen can pass to the next one, Composables annotated with @Destination
can also make use of certain components usually passed in from the NavHost call level (even when using vanilla Compose Navigation).
Compose Destinations supports some of these out of the box:
) - If part of the Composable function parameters, Compose Destinations will pass in theNavController
used in theDestinationsNavHost
. -
- This is an interface wrapper aroundNavController
useful for inverting the dependency in theNavController
. This enables your Composable to be testable and previewable since you can just pass an empty implementation (one is available out of the boxEmptyDestinationsNavigator
). Read more in the navigation section -
- the back stack entry correspondent to the destination composable. -
- needed for sending results back from a destination to the previous one. Read more here
Even though most screen Composables will only need their navigation arguments and some of the components mentioned above, if you have a scenario where you need to pass something else, you can:
1. Manually call your screen Composable, which is made super easy by the library
This is the preferred way if you want to send something that is tied to Compose runtime (f.ex a State<Something>
). The other approach uses a Map<Class<[Component]>, [Component]>
so if Component
changes your screen won't be recomposed. Also, it is a bit type safer since you are the one calling the Composable function.
2. Use dependenciesContainerBuilder
to prepare certain components to certain/all screens
This is simpler if you want to make some component available to multiple screens. It should only be used for passing dependencies which are static for the lifetime of your screens (example: ViewModels
, ScaffoldState
, etc).
If your annotated Composable has parameters that Compose Destinations cannot provide via one of the above ways, are not navigation arguments and you did not provide them via one of the above approaches, the app will crash at runtime when you navigate to that screen.
Manually call your screen Composable
The DestinationsNavHost
call has a manualComposableCallsBuilder
which can be used to manually call some Destination
// Just as an example of something you might want to send to some destinations
val scaffoldState = rememberScaffoldState()
navGraph = NavGraphs.root
) {
composable(SomeScreenDestination) { //this: DestinationScope<SomeScreenDestination.NavArgs>
arg1 = navArgs.arg1, // navArgs is a lazily evaluated `SomeScreenDestination.NavArgs` instance, field of `DestinationScope`
navigator = destinationsNavigator, // destinationsNavigator is a `DestinationsNavigator` (also lazily evaluated)
backStackEntry = navBackStackEntry, // navBackStackEntry is a `DestinationScope` field
scaffoldState = scaffoldState,
resultBackNavigator = resultBackNavigator(resultTypeNameNavType), // needed if "SomeScreen" needs to send argument back to previous screen
resultRecipient = resultRecipient(resultTypeNameNavType), // needed if "SomeScreen" needs to receive results from a forward screen
Notice you don't need to manually call all destinations. The NavHost
will be filled with all destinations and nested navigation graphs of the NavGraph passed in to it.
This feature makes sure you have all control you need in some less common cases.
When some destination gets navigated to, if you are manually calling it here in the DestinationsNavHost
then the library will call your composable function with the navigation arguments (if the destination has navigation arguments). If you are not, the library will call your annotated Composable instead.
If you're using bottom sheets, you might want to use bottomSheetComposable
if you need the ColumnScope
receiver. This scope is given by the respective bottom sheet official library. If you don't need them, you can still use composable
function like in the example above.
Use dependenciesContainerBuilder
to prepare dependencies
If you have some dependencies which you want to make available to all or multiple destinations, you can leverage this DestinationsNavHost
parameter to prepare them.
For example, if you wanted to make ScaffoldState
available to all annotated Composables, you could just do:
val scaffoldState = rememberScaffoldState()
dependenciesContainerBuilder = { //this: DependenciesContainerBuilder<*>
This lambda will be called everytime a new screen is navigated to to let you prepare components safely scoped to that screen only, since this "container" will not live behond the screen that is navigated to.
After this, you can just add a ScaffoldState
typed parameter in any annotated Composable, and the library will provide it.
fun MyScreen(
scaffoldState: ScaffoldState
) { /*...*/ }
If you want to provide dependencies to a specific Destination or a specific navigation graph (i.e all routes that are direct or indirect children), you can do:
val scaffoldState = rememberScaffoldState()
dependenciesContainerBuilder = { //this: DependenciesContainerBuilder<*>
// 👇 Provides scaffoldState to "YourSpecificDestination"
destination(YourSpecificDestination) { dependency(scaffoldState) }
// 👇 Provides SettingsViewModel and "anotherDependency" scoped to the "settings"
// nav graph to all destinations who request it and are children of "settings" nav graph
navGraph(NavGraphs.settings) {
val parentEntry = remember(navBackStackEntry) {
lambda is scoped in a DependenciesContainerBuilder
which is also a DestinationScope
. So, everything we have available when manually calling a Composable screen, you also have here, including a destination
with the DestinationSpec
that is being navigated to.
This enables you to make decisions here and have dependencies only available to specific destinations or specific navigation graphs or any other case you might have.