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Version: 2.x

Destination Wrappers

If you're looking to share logic or UI with multiple screen destinations, you may want to try using what we call Destination wrappers.
Let's see a couple examples. The examples might not be the best, but hopefully they're good enough to give you ideas of what you could do with wrappers.

Example 1: Wrapping screens with a PIN entry

Say you want to have some screens be protected by PIN. You could do this:

object PinEntryWrapper : DestinationWrapper {

override fun <T> DestinationScope<T>.Wrap(
screenContent: @Composable () -> Unit
) {
val vm = viewModel<PinEntryWrapperViewModel>()
val correctPinEntered by vm.correctPinEntered.collectAsState()

if (!pinEnteredCorrectly) {
} else {

And then apply the wrapper on all Destinations you want to protect this way:

wrappers = [PinEntryWrapper::class] // 👈
fun MyScreen() { /*...*/ }

Keep in mind you can create your own Destination annotation, say, for the above example, PinProtectedDestination, and use that instead of defining the wrapper manually on each destination. Read about how to do it here.

Example 2: Wrapping screens with a "no network banner"

On the previous example we decided to show either a PIN entry OR the screen. In this one, we'll always show the screen, but we'll also show a banner on top of it if there is no network.

object NoNetworkBannerWrapper : DestinationWrapper {

override fun <T> DestinationScope<T>.Wrap(
screenContent: @Composable () -> Unit
) {
val vm = viewModel<NetworkBannerViewModel>()
val isNetworkAvailable by vm.isNetworkAvailable.collectAsState()

Column {
if (!isNetworkAvailable) {
NoNetworkBanner() // composable that shows a no network banner


About DestinationWrapper

Things to note about DestinationWrapper:

  • DestinationWrapper is an interface you'll need to implement
  • The Wrap method has a DestinationScope receiver. Same thing you get when calling your composables manually. You can use it to access:
    • destination that the wrapper is called to wrap
    • navArgs type safe args of the destination being wrapped
    • buildDependencies() which returns the dependencies provided to the destination via dependencyContainerBuilder
    • navBackStackEntry correspondent to the destination being wrapped
    • navController
    • destinationsNavigator
  • The Wrap method receives a screenContent lambda. You should call it when/where you want to call the destination composable.
  • Your screens can use multiple wrappers. In that case the order they're set on matters. For example, if you set Wrapper1 and Wrapper2 like wrappers = [Wrapper1::class, Wrapper2::class], then Wrapper1's screenContent lambda will actually call Wrapper2. Wrapper2's screenContent will be the destination composable.