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Version: 1.x


To navigate to a destination you need a NavController or a DestinationsNavigator. Both are valid arguments for annotated Composables and will be provided by the library at runtime.


DestinationsNavigator is meant only for navigating from one screen to another. If you need some kind of "top-level navigation" (example: Bottom navigation bar, App drawer, etc) you should use the same NavController instance you pass to DestinationsNavHost.

Then you can:


// OR using NavController.navigate extension function


Or if the destination has navigation arguments:

// All arguments will be available in the invoke function, including the default values
navigator.navigate(ProfileScreenDestination(id = 1, groupName = "Kotlin 4ever <3"))
// OR
val navArgs = ProfileScreenDestination.NavArgs(id = 1, groupName = "Kotlin 4ever <3")
navController.navigate(ProfileScreenDestination(id = 1, groupName = "Kotlin 4ever <3"))
// OR
val navArgs = ProfileScreenDestination.NavArgs(id = 1, groupName = "Kotlin 4ever <3")

[YourComposableName]Destination.NavArgs is the default data class, but if you define a navArgsDelegate on the @Destination, than that will be used instead!

DestinationsNavigator vs NavController

It is good practice to not depend directly on NavController on your Composables. You can opt to use DestinationsNavigator instead, which is an interface wrapper of NavController. Making use of this dependency inversion principle allows you to easily pass an empty implementation (one is available already EmptyDestinationsNavigator) for previews or a fake for testing.


DestinationsNavigator interface contains the main methods used to navigate that you would use with NavController. That said, there are missing APIs, for example, navigating with URI. This seemed rare enough that we did not want to complicate DestinationsNavigator, but, if you have a use case you consider "common" and there is no way to do it with DestinationsNavigator, please open an issue so we can consider adding it. In the meantime, you can always fallback to NavController, so you are always covered.

Avoiding duplicate navigation

If you dig around official Compose Samples, you will see this pattern of checking the state of the current NavBackStackEntry and only navigating if it is RESUMED. DestinationsNavigator can avoid duplicate navigation calls by using this same pattern under the hood if you simply pass onlyIfResumed = true to the navigate call like this:

navigator.navigate(ProfileScreenDestination(id = 1), onlyIfResumed = true)